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What's a good way to remove iron from quartz sand?

2023-04-17 XinHai Views (702)

The iron content in quartz sand will affect its application field and performance, so iron removal measures need to be taken. The following are some common iron removal methods for quartz sand:

Magnetic separation method: Magnetic separation is a common method of iron removal, which can selectively adsorb iron minerals using magnetic particles to achieve iron removal. The magnetic separator can continuously separate and remove iron from quartz sand.

Wet iron removal method: wet iron removal is to soak quartz sand in acid solution, the acid will dissolve the iron ore, and then carry out precipitation separation.

Gravity separation method: Gravity separation is a method of separating minerals based on density differences. The density of iron minerals in quartz sand is usually large, and iron can be removed by gravity concentration.

Electromagnetic separation method: Electromagnetic separation is a technology that separates substances by utilizing the different forces they experience in an alternating electric field to separate iron containing substances.

Biological leaching method: Biological leaching method is a method that utilizes microorganisms to convert minerals into a dissolved state and separate them, which can achieve iron removal without the use of chemical reagents.

To sum up, magnetic separation, wet iron removal, gravity separation, electromagnetic separation and biological leaching are common iron removal methods for quartz sand. According to different application scenarios and requirements for iron removal efficiency, different methods can be selected for iron removal.

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