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How to reduce the aluminum content of quartz sand?

2023-04-18 XinHai Views (730)

The aluminum content in quartz sand can be reduced by the following methods:

Select raw materials with low aluminum content: selecting raw materials with low aluminum content in the production process can effectively reduce the aluminum content in quartz sand. For example, quartz ore with low aluminum content can be selected as the raw material.

Adjust the production process: adjust the production process to reduce the aluminum content in quartz sand. For example, the combination of low-temperature calcination and high-temperature calcination can effectively reduce the aluminum content in quartz sand.

Physical sorting technology: physical sorting technology can separate particles with different sizes and densities, thus reducing the aluminum content in quartz sand. For example, quartz sand with high aluminum content can be separated by heavy medium separation technology.

Chemical separation technology: chemical separation technology can separate aluminum ions from quartz sand, thus reducing the aluminum content in quartz sand. For example, techniques such as leaching and precipitation can be used for separation.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the above methods may be influenced by various factors, such as raw material quality, production process parameters, equipment performance, etc. Therefore, selection and optimization need to be made based on specific circumstances.

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