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Methods for Separating Gold and Molybdenum

2024-03-12 XinHai Views (477)

Gold and molybdenum separation technology is an important research direction in the field of mineral processing because gold and molybdenum often coexist in ores, and their values and uses are different. This article introduces the commonly used methods for separating gold and molybdenum, as well as the process flow of flotation methods.

Common Methods for Separating Gold and Molybdenum

1. Flotation separation: Flotation is a common method for separating gold and molybdenum. This method uses flotation agents to make gold minerals and molybdenum minerals float to the surface of the flotation bubbles, thereby achieving their separation. Different flotation agents, adjusting the dosage of reagents and pH values, as well as controlling flotation time and stirring speed are usually chosen to achieve effective separation of gold and molybdenum.

2. Oxidation-reduction separation: Gold and molybdenum are converted into different compounds through oxidation-reduction reactions, and then separated based on their different physicochemical properties. This may involve a series of chemical reactions and precipitation steps.

3. Ion exchange separation: Using the selective adsorption ability of ion exchange resins, gold and molybdenum are adsorbed onto different resins, and then separated by changing the solution conditions or using different eluents.

4. Solvent extraction separation: Separation is achieved by utilizing the extraction properties of different organic phases for gold and molybdenum. Typically, an appropriate organic solvent is selected, and by adjusting conditions such as pH values and temperatures, gold and molybdenum are distributed between the organic phase and the aqueous phase, thereby achieving separation.

Process Flow of Gold and Molybdenum Separation by Flotation

Taking flotation separation as an example, the process flow of separating gold and molybdenum is described as follows:

1. Ore crushing and grinding: Firstly, the gold-molybdenum-bearing ore undergoes crushing and grinding to achieve appropriate particle size and improve the flotation performance of gold and molybdenum ores.

2. Flotation:

Reagent preparation: Prepare appropriate flotation reagents, such as xanthate, lead oxide, and naphthol, and determine the types and proportions of reagents according to the ore properties.

Mixing and stirring: Mix the ore pulp with flotation reagents thoroughly to ensure full contact between the reagents and the ore, forming a flotation pulp.

Gas injection: Inject gas (usually air) into the bottom of the flotation tank to generate bubbles.

Flotation process: Bubbles carry gold mineral particles to the surface of the flotation froth, forming froth, while molybdenum minerals deposit at the bottom. Control the flotation time and flotation speed to achieve effective separation of gold and molybdenum.

Flotation tailings treatment: Collect the flotation concentrate in the froth, dry, grind, and other processes to obtain gold concentrate.

3. Molybdenum concentrate recovery: After flotation, the molybdenum concentrate deposited at the bottom, called flotation tailings, is further processed for molybdenum recovery, such as leaching and liquid-liquid extraction.

4. Gold concentrate processing: Further smelting or extraction processes are carried out on the gold concentrate to increase the purity and yield of gold.

5. Tailings treatment: Treat the flotation tailings with environmental measures such as solid waste landfill and tailings leaching to reduce environmental impact.

The above process flow example is based on the flotation separation method, and specific process steps and parameter settings may vary depending on the properties of different ores and process requirements.

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