Home/News/Renovate the 650tpd gold mine old concentrator and revitalize it

Renovate the 650tpd gold mine old concentrator and revitalize it

2022-09-01 XinHai Views (544)

During the beneficiation process, the nature of the original ore will change with the ore vein and the mining life, and the concentrator needs to make timely adjustment according to the situation. After the concentrator has been operated for a period of time, the transformation of the concentrator has become an important means to enable the old concentrator to regain good economic benefits. The 300tpd gold mine old concentrator located in Henan Province, China has been operating for many years, and it was originally unable to meet the current production indicators. Although the project leader has carried out transformation for many times, it still failed to obtain the ideal indicators due to various reasons. Subsequently, the customer contacted Xinhai mining equipment.

After learning about Xinhai mineral equipment, the customers of the project highly recognized the technical strength of Xinhai mineral equipment. After technical exchange and field investigation, they decided to hand over the transformation task of Henan 300tpd gold ore dressing plant project to Xinhai mineral equipment, and use innovative mineral processing technology to make the project glow with new vitality.


Investigation before Xinhai mine loading transformation

In order to better understand the actual situation of the current raw ore and determine the future process flow of the project, Xinhai mining equipment Co., Ltd. conducted process validation test and bond work index test with reference to the current process flow, and conducted field technical investigation on the situation of the original concentrator.

During the investigation, Xinhai mine found that the original mineral of the project is a gold deposit of volcanic rock nature, which is difficult to grind and beneficiate, and the gold grade in the original ore is low, generally above 2G / T, and the original equipment of the project has quality problems due to its long service life. According to the information obtained from the investigation, after communicating with the customer, Xinhai mining equipment decided to carry out technical transformation on the grinding and flotation stage of the gold ore dressing project in Henan Province and redesign the grinding and flotation workshop.


Xinhai mine loading transformation is in progress

After signing the contract, Xinhai mining equipment Co., Ltd. carried out the construction drawing design of the project, optimized the original process flow, increased the project processing capacity from 300tpd to 650tpd, further increased the equipment processing capacity, and the expected recovery rate was above 70%, which ensured the economic benefits of the project. The new design scheme is as follows:

The crushing system uses the original facilities, and the crushed materials are fed into the main plant through the belt and enter the grinding system.

The grinding adopts a ball mill and a closed-circuit grinding system, and the slurry after grinding enters the flotation system after dosing.

The process flow of "one roughing, three scavenging and four refining" is adopted for flotation to produce flotation gold concentrate and flotation tailings respectively.

The flotation gold concentrate is pumped into the original concentrate dewatering system, and the flotation tailings are pumped into the original tailings conveying system.

Due to the limited space of the old concentrator, Xinhai mine is equipped with a targeted and reasonable layout. The flotation workshop adopts a linear garden design, which not only ensures the smooth process flow but also meets the needs of customers for aesthetics.

In the equipment production stage, Xinhai mining equipment has carried out adaptive transformation on the project equipment, so that it can operate in a long-term, safe, stable and continuous manner and can match with the original concentrator equipment. After the production and procurement of all equipment and supporting parts are completed, the experienced packaging and shipping team will send the equipment to the project site.

While the equipment arrived at the site, the Xinhai mining equipment installation and commissioning team also arrived at the project site to carry out the project installation and technical commissioning, implement the details of the construction drawing design, adjust the process indicators, and successfully complete the installation and commissioning of the project.


Transformation results of Xinhai ore loading

After the completion of commissioning, it is expected that the gold grade in the flotation gold concentrate of the project will reach 30g / T, and the recovery rate will reach 70%. Under the professional guidance of the Xinhai mining technology team, the gold grade in the flotation gold concentrate in the actual production will be increased to 50g / T, and the recovery rate will reach 85%, which greatly exceeds the expected indicators of the project. The customer is very satisfied with this.


Henan 650tpd gold mine concentrator transformation project is another medal won by Xinhai mine in the concentrator transformation. As the proponent and practitioner of "mining whole industry chain service (EPC + m + O)", Xinhai mining equipment has always been customer-oriented and provided customers with scientific customized concentrator service solutions. In the future, Xinhai mining equipment will continue to take the dissemination of correct mine construction concepts and methods as its own responsibility, promote the implementation of Xinhai scheme, and provide more complete, professional and in place mining industry chain services (EPC + m + O) for global customers!

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