The ore is crushed and grinded (according to the requirements of the leaching test, it reaches the required grinding mesh. Generally, the final grinding fineness requirement is -200 mesh, not less than 96%), cyanide leaching, leaching, and countercurrent resin suction (resin and pulp flow in reverse), the gold carrying resin is extracted with an air lifter, the gold carrying resin is cleaned and put into the storage tank, and the pulp is discharged as tailings.
Material: anion exchange resin (stored in water after opening)
Equipment: mixing tank, air lifter, isolation screen, linear vibrating screen, storage tank.
Process parameters:
Pulp concentration: ≤ 40% (the fastest adsorption speed in the clear liquid containing gold)
Resin adsorption time: 12 hours
Density of resin in pulp: 20-30kg/m ³
Adsorption rate of resin for gold and silver: >99.9%
Resin adsorption process flow of heap leaching and pool leaching: the gold containing precious liquid after leaching is sent to the adsorption column by gravity or by pumping, and the adsorbed lean liquid enters the storage tank and is pumped to the heap leaching or pool leaching site for cyclic leaching.
The resin adsorbs gold fastest in the clear liquid containing gold.
Material: anion exchange resin (stored in water after opening)
Equipment: adsorption column, corrosion-resistant pump, spray nozzle
After the gold loaded resin is cleaned, it is sent to the analysis column with a fluidizer for analysis, which generally takes 24-48 hours. The gold loaded resin is analyzed with heated analytical solution (the higher the temperature of the analytical solution, the shorter the analysis time, and the better the effect). The generated precious liquid enters the electrolytic cell for electrolysis and recycling. After a certain cycle, the gold mud in the electrolytic cell is taken out, purified, and ingoted into gold ingots.
Resin resolving agent: ammonium thiocyanate, sodium hydroxide (thiourea, sulfuric acid)
Equipment: analytical column, fluidizer, electrolytic cell, heater, liquid storage tank
Resin analysis parameters:
Resin analysis time: 30-48 hours
Resin resolution temperature: 40 ℃
Resolution rate of gold and silver: >98%
The resin after analysis is sent to the resin regeneration mixing tank with a fluidizer for 8 hours of regeneration. The regenerated resin is recycled.
Agent: sodium hydroxide
Equipment: mixing tank, fluidizer
Resin regeneration time: 8 hours
Resin regeneration temperature: normal temperature and pressure