Home/News/The 8 types of quartz sand flotation process are commonly used

The 8 types of quartz sand flotation process are commonly used

2022-11-28 XinHai Views (698)

1. Flotation of mica - flotation of iron bearing minerals - flotation of feldspar

First, adjust the PH of the pulp to 3~4 with sulfuric acid, and float the mica with amine collector; Then adjust the pulp PH to 4-5 with hydrochloric acid, and use sulfonated petroleum as collector to float iron bearing minerals; Finally, adjust PH to 2~3 with hydrofluoric acid, and use amine as collector to float feldspar.

2. Flotation of iron bearing minerals - flotation of mica - flotation of feldspar

Sulfonated petroleum is used as collector to float iron bearing minerals, and then amine collector is used to float mica and feldspar in sequence.

3. Floating iron bearing mineral - pumice feldspar

The iron bearing mineral is floated first and then the feldspar is floated. The tailings are quartz concentrates. It is applicable to quartz sand with less mica content.

4. Floating iron bearing mineral

Only iron bearing minerals are floated, and the tailings obtained are quartz concentrates. With tall oil as the collector, adjust the PH to 8~9 with sodium carbonate. After flotation of iron bearing minerals, the tailings are quartz. This simple process is beneficial when there is no mica and feldspar in the raw ore, or when the raw ore contains less feldspar and it is unnecessary to separate.

5. Floating iron bearing mineral - pumice feldspar - pumice quartz

When there are many feldspars in the quartz sand, adjust the PH of the pulp to 7~8 and use fatty acid as the collector. After flotation of iron bearing minerals, add hydrofluoric acid and amine to flotation feldspar, and then use amine as the collector to flotation quartz when the PH of the pulp is 7~8.

6. Floating iron bearing mineral floating quartz

Adjust the PH of the pulp to 7~8, use sulfonated petroleum to float iron minerals, and then use amine to float quartz (Figure VI) when the PH of the pulp is 7~8. This scheme is applicable to the case where there is no feldspar in the raw materials, or the content of feldspar is small, and it is unnecessary to separate.

7. Mixed pumice quartz feldspar pumice feldspar

Use amine as collector to mix flotation of quartz and feldspar. When separating mixed concentrate, add hydrofluoric acid and amine to flotation of feldspar. Tailings are quartz concentrates.

8. Floating iron bearing mineral - mixed pumice feldspar and quartz

After flotation, feldspar and quartz are mixed for flotation. It is applicable to quartz sand with high iron content.

The above 8 flotation processes basically cover the flotation methods of various types of quartz sand. If there are special circumstances, the quartz sand flotation process should be developed according to the beneficiation test.

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