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Is Gravity Separation or Flotation Better for Spodumene Ore Beneficiation?

2023-12-19 XinHai Views (546)

Spodumene is an important lithium ore resource and one of the industrial ores for lithium extraction. The two commonly used methods for spodumene ore beneficiation are gravity separation (heavy media separation) and flotation. This article compares the principles and commonly used equipment of these two beneficiation methods to help you understand which method is better.

Principles of Gravity Separation (Heavy Media Separation) and Flotation for Spodumene Ore

Principle of Gravity Separation (Heavy Media Separation): Gravity separation exploits the density differences between ore and gangue minerals. Based on the varying specific gravities of different minerals, gravity separation uses a heavy medium (such as water or heavy medium suspension) to separate spodumene from gangue minerals. The method includes heavy media separation and gravity separation. In heavy media separation, adjusting the density of the suspension enables spodumene with higher density to sink, while lighter gangue minerals float, achieving separation. In gravity separation, forces like vibration or water flow are used to make the heavier spodumene settle, separating it from lighter gangue minerals.

Principle of Flotation: Flotation adjusts the surface properties of ore and gangue minerals in water to selectively adsorb or inhibit them, achieving separation. The ore is ground into fine particles, mixed with water and flotation reagents to form a flotation suspension. Flotation reagents change the surface properties of mineral particles, allowing hydrophobic spodumene particles to adsorb on bubbles and rise to the liquid surface, forming a spodumene flotation froth, while gangue minerals sink to the bottom. Separation of spodumene from gangue is achieved by collecting spodumene particles from the froth.

How to Choose Between Gravity Separation and Flotation: Gravity separation is suitable for coarse separation based on density differences, while flotation is suitable for selectively separating minerals at the fine particle level. The choice between the two methods depends on ore characteristics, particle size, impurities in the ore, and other factors. Sometimes, a combination of multiple separation methods is used to enhance separation efficiency and extraction rates.

Equipment Used in Gravity Separation and Flotation for Spodumene Ore

Equipment for Gravity Separation

Equipment for Flotation

The choice of equipment depends on factors such as operational scale, process requirements, technological advancements, and economic considerations, and a comprehensive evaluation is necessary to make the final decision.

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